Wednesday 18 April 2007


It's official.

School actually sucks unless your in a lesson you enjoy.

O.k so today wasn't that bad and there have been worse. It's just the fact that EVERY single damn teacher keeps reminding us about our GCSE's being in a few weeks. Like were not already stressed another.

Oh and they still give us homework. WTF!!!!!!

Art exam Fri and Mon follwed by German Oral exam on the Tues. And that's just this month.

Next month will be hell.

I don't actually want to leave : I'll miss having something to do and My friends. Some of whom are going to collage elsewhere then Adams.

I'll miss most of those people in this pic (Y) and there's other that aren't in th photo :(

Thursday 5 April 2007

Hello Fellow Bloggers :)

Today I was a gardener. Yes you may laugh but believe me when your with your mates it's a right laugh. Plus the fact all we did was clear some junk from the back of the back garden and cleared it and will put grass seeds down for a place to sit and doss in the summer.

Haha plus took loads of pics Yeh.

Cool eh?

Not really